Emerald City Trolls: Seattle Old School MtG

Upcoming Events

emerald city

This is the page where we will list events in Seattle and the broader Washington State area.

The Satanic Panic

Registration is SOLD OUT!

If you would like to join the waitlist, email emeraldcitytrolls@gmail.com. Registration is $80, payable when you get in from the waitlist. The waitlist currently has one player on it.

Our next major event will be held May 17-18, 2024, in Seattle, WA. It's called The Satanic Panic, calling back to those days in the 80's and 90's when parents were worried games like Magic and D&D were turning their children into devil worshippers. What if they were right?!?!?

Here's the event trailer!

This evil magic is for a good cause of course. We're raising money once again for ChildHaven, who is addressing the epidemic of childhood trauma & adversity through relationship, partnership, and innovation. They help children who have experienced or are experiencing trauma by providing them strong, positive relationships with adults. We're thrilled to be able to support their transformative, inspirational mission.

Friday night will be a special event called The Satanic Panic: The Ritual, using a special one-time only ruleset. In this format, you embrace one or more of the seven deadly sins to gain power in exchange for a bit of your soul. By winning matches, you acquire one of seven Ritual Components. Once you have all seven, summon a demon to win the event!

Saturday's main event is regular ol' PAC rules, straight Swiss. This event will be held at The Pine Box, a century-old funeral home that is now a bar. Bruce Lee's memorial services were conducted there! Lunch Saturday is pizza plus salad, apps, and fruit, with both vegan and gluten-free options. Lunch is included with registration. Cash bar.

Of course once again we have an AMAZING lineup of artists for the Saturday event! Here are all of the confirmed attendees:

We'll also have a vendor on-site who will have cards from these artists on-hand. Only registered players may enter the event to meet the artists. Unfortunately the venue has size limitations, and we want to prioritize access for paid attendees.

We will once again be holding a charity raffle and auction as part of the event. The auction will include an AMAZING new piece done by Jesper and Spoops for the event. I am really jazzed about this piece and will be thrilled to debut it later. We will also be taking private bids up through May 17 2024 to allow non-attendees to bid. If you would like to donate anything for the raffle or to auction, please email us or DM us on Twitter.

Stay tuned for more details by following us on Twitter. For any additional questions, please email emeraldcitytrolls@gmail.com.

Regular Events

  1. At Zulu Games in Bothell every other Thursday, Trolls gather for some fun games, cold beers, and good eats. Come check it out if you're in the area!

  2. Every other Wednesday at a rotating series of locations, Trolls come to play cards and drink brews. Food is also typically available. Locations are chosen via discussion in the Trolls discord; reach out if you need an invite. This event is alternate weeks with the Bothell meetup, so one or the other event is happening every week.

  3. On the first Wednesday of the month, Trolls gather to cube at a rotating list of locations. If it's the first Wednesday, we're cubing. Join our Discord to find out where.

  4. At Shane's in Renton, the South Sound Bolters play Old School every Friday. A reliable weekly local game is a thing of beauty!

Trolls Swedish+Scryings Reprint Policy

MG (the OS godfather) and the Swedish Old School group (Stockholm in a Bottle) have unveiled an exciting new variation of their standard format which incorporates a "new" expansion of 116 cards selected from Fallen Empires through Weatherlight. The full Swedish rules and B&R list and the complete set of Scryings are now available.

In keeping with the more liberal reprint policies in the US, the Trolls use the following reprint policy when playing with Scryings:

Any Swedish+Scryings legal card may be played provided it is (a) non-foil, (b) in the original frame, and (c) features an art available in any Swedish+Scryings set (ABU plus all expansions Arabian Nights-Weatherlight).

For example, all of the following are legal:

  1. Either art of Deadly Insect from Alliances
    • But not Deadly Insect from Mercadian Masques, which has new art in the old frame, or from Coldsnap Theme Deck, which has original art in the new frame
  2. ABU/CE Icy Manipulator and Ice Age Icy Manipulator
  3. All basic lands from Alpha through Weatherlight (except Snow-Covered basics)
  4. Alpha Disenchant, CE Disenchant, Ice Age Disenchant, Battle Royale Disenchant (which features Ice Age art in the original frame), and 1997 World Champs Disenchant (Ice Age art, original frame, gold border)

Looking For More?

If you are looking for content, the Magic: the Gathering Old School Reddit and Magic: the Gathering Old School Discord are good places to start!


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